Taking Patriarchy Apart - Club der Polnischen Versager, Berlin

Sea of Love - A site-specific installation, Lover's Bridge, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria.

Tetragrammatron - Raum SODA, Nuremberg

Werkschau Auf AEG 2019, curated by Dr. Harriet Zilch

Ping-Pong, RathausART, Historischer Rathaussaal, Nuremberg


NiePOPrawna - Lou Andreas Salome,House Nuremberg, Krakow, Poland

Kashpirovskiy, bless my blow, Tuesday Coworking, Berlin

Rückblick-Ausblick, Gallery ORFFDREI, Nuremberg

21.Skulpturenpark  Mörfelden-Walldorf

The Third Face of Janus, Hemdendienst, Nuremberg

Support Papier - Archives de la ville et de l'Eurométropole de Strasbourg

Paperchase, San Stefano Contemporary Space, Sofia, Bulgaria

Decydentki, House Nuremberg, Krakow, Poland


Long Night the Sciences, Nuremberg

Hudud al'Alam -Die Grenzen der Welt - collaboration with Selina Bock, Kunst Galerie Fürth

Fragmented Stories,  VBK Berlin

Best of - Auf AEG, Nuremberg

Waterfall - Installation, Facade House Nuremberg, Krakow, Poland

Mikro – Gallery ORFFDREI, Nuremberg

Umlichtung - Marktplatz 10, Amorbach

Gefach - Arthur-Grimm Haus, Mudau

μετάMorph - Galerie 76, Nuremberg

Woher wir kommen, wohin wir gehen - FIA Forum, Amorbach

Rück-Sicht - Installation - Steinerne Gasse, Amorbach


Genesis. Order in Chaos, Chaos in Order. - Kunstverein Zirndorf

Genesis 1.0 – Z-Bau Nürnberg

Floating Volumes – Kulturort Badstraße 8, Fürth

Werkschau Auf AEG 2016

19.Skulpturenpark Mörfelden - Walldorf

Im Sommer unseres Vergnügens - Essenheimer Kunstverein


Wunderwoche! - Old Post, Nuremberg

Fashion Room Horst Wanschura, Stuttgart

Believing History – UNESCO World Heritage Site Abbey of Lorsch

Klassenfahrt - Galerie Evelyn Drewes, Hamburg

Sculpture as Performance - Botanicum, München

Gold - Städtische Galerie, Schwabach


So near and yet so far - contemporary Bulgarian Artists abroad - National Palace of Culture, Sofia Bulgaria

Nürnberg Connection -  AbtArt Gallery, Stuttgart - Stuttgart Gallery Weekend ART ALARM

Achtung!Laufender Kunstbetrieb! -  Auf AEG,  Nuremberg

Konflikt - Catholic Academy, Munich

Die Blaue Nacht 2014 "Sensucht"  - Light Art Festival, Nuremberg

Kronach leuchtet "Über den Dächern" - Light Art Festival, Kronach

Lied des jetzt - BASIS Frankfurt


So nah, so fern - Nuremberg, Germany, curated from Anna-Lena Werner

Erotik im Quadrat - Gallery Trinkkur, Bad Nauheim

Vorhang auf... - Neues Museum Nuremberg


Parcours II -Nuremberg

Die Blaue Nacht 2012, Nuremberg

Oleum Petrae - Gallery of the Academy, Nuremberg

Collage - Gallery Mariette  Haas Ingolstadt

Art Maximal – Maximilianeum, Munich


Project Intimate Space of Georgia Creimer– Olympic Village Innsbruck, Austria

Achtung! Laufender Kunstbetrieb! - Nuremberg

B:EAST - Nuremberg

Unfinnished -Kaikugallery Helsinki, Finnland

Musta Tuntuu  - Kaikugallery Helsinki, Finnland


Bazonnale 2010, Weimar

Achtung! Laufender Kunstbetrieb!  Nuremberg

Candypop , Gallery of the Academy, Nuremberg

Give the poor the right to vote,  Klosterneuburg, Austria

Arte Fractal – Escuela de Ingenieros de Bilbao (Higher Technical School of Engineering, Bilbao)

Exhibitions in Bilbao, Spain; Buenos Aires, Argentina and  Hyderabat, India

Awards and Grants:

2018 Audience prize at 21.Skulpturenpark Mörfelden-Walldorf

2017 Adorno-Grant  2017, FIA Amorbach e.V., AIR

2016 LfA Art Calender "junge kunst in bayern"

             Academy Award,  AdBK Nuremberg

2013 Scholarship of the Bavarian State Ministry for Science and Arts – Summer Academy Salzburg, Austria

2012 Award of the public,  Blaue Nacht Nuremberg

2011 Erasmus Scholarship – Kuvataideakatemia,  Helsinki

2011 Design Award of Fackelmann GmbH und Co. KG, Hersbruck

2010 Design Award of Carl Mertens International GmbH, Solingen

2014 - 2016 Dipl. Postgraduate in „Art and Public Spaces“

2008 - 2014 Academy of Fine Arts, Nuremberg

2013 Meisterschülerin, Prof. Ottmar Hörl

2011 Finish Academy of Fine Arts, Helsinki  

1995-1997 Geology, University for Mining and Geology "Sv.Ivan Rilski", Sofia




30.06.2024 Eröffnung Frei Luft Galerie - Public Art

Installation Schwabacher Strasse 510-512

907630 Fürth


Thinking Wires -Städtische Galerie Schwabach

2BUNA -Forum for Contemporary Art - Varna - LOOK -Ecology and Technology


LOOK - Ecology and Technology - Sofia, Bulgaria

Lange Nacht der Wissenschafften - Nürnberg, Fürth, Erlangen

Sweet  Dreams - Fürther Glanzlichter, Fürth

MYTHOS - KREIS Galerie Nürnberg

Locked Out - Egidienkirche Nürnberg

Camera Obscura ins Atelier - Kongresshalle Nürnberg

Frei Luft Galerie III - Fürth

25. Skulpturenpark Mörfelden-Walldorf

DIFFUSION - Akademie Galerie Nürnberg

The Fake Green Grass of Home - kultur.lokal fürth

Preflection - Kunstpavillon München


Everything you need - BKI Prague

ADAPTER - Öl,  Wasser,Licht  - Fürther Glanzlichter, Fürth

ADAPTER - Fleeting Memories - with Joanna Maxellon - Kunstraum Sigismundkapelle, Regensburg

ADAPTER - Energy - Lange Nacht der Wissenschafften, Nürnberg

ADAPTER -Transit, JA der AdBK

LOOK - Ecology and Technology - Depoo Gallery, Sofia, Bulgaria

Metaheaven - Staatische Galerie Cordonnhaus, Cham


Brave New World - VBK Berlin

Marketspace - Art-Gallery Serdica, Sofia

Synthetic Goddess - Edel Extra, Nürnberg

Infest - Kunst in der Galvanistrasse, Nürnberg


Time Shift, Kulturort Badstraße 8, Fürth

Written imagery, Neue Galerie Dachau

Angels Weave Their Bodies From the Air - Galeriehaus Nord, Nürnberg

Methamorph 2.0 - Edel Extra, Nuremberg

Kunst im Park 2020 - Skulpturenpark Mörfelden-Walldorf


My artistic practice is focused on spatial installations composed of  multiple objects as that format allows me to convey and visualize complex ideas. Since my approach is mostly interdisciplinary, artistic research and scientific methods are involved as essential component of the working process.


The opposite pairs of notions presented - such as order and chaos, allows the exploration of diverse perspectives. Broadening the mind is essential for the artistic interpretation of mutually exclusive points of view that put forward difficult questions.